Speaking of cardswap, anyone out there in blog land want to join us? We are in desperate need of some more swappers to join our little group. I know most of my readers are already in our group, but a girl can hope that some very talented stranger in the Allen/Plano/McKinney/Frisco/Anna area will just stumble upon this blog and cry, "Eureka! Just what I have been looking for!" If this applies to you please contact me by leaving a comment with your email (which I will find quickly and remove after I've snagged it.)
Here are also some pics of ACTUAL paper scrapbook pages I took a little while ago. These are a few of my favorite pages.

This page is one of my faves because the pictures are just so darn funny! I know, they're horrified and I'm laughing - what an evil mommy. But come on, are you telling me you didn't laugh at these too?! This was the time Maddie kept screaming, "I don't want to see Movis, I don't want to see Movis." Translation: Movis=Moses. I have no idea where she learned about Moses. I don't think we ever talked about him or showed her any pictures - she was still in Nursery for heaven's sake! Ryley couldn't say anything yet, he was barely one - if that, but I think it's clear he didn't want to see Movis either!

This is another one of my faves because of the pictures. These pictures of Cash are HILARIOUS! He NEVER liked baby food and still doesn't care much for food in general. He is so picky it's insane. He seriously lives off of milk, peanut butter sandwiches, fruit, and the baby fruit snacks. Seriously - THAT'S ALL. Oh, and the occasional chicken nugget.
So I hope I can keep posting about some real crafty projects but I wouldn't count on it! ADSR is still going on - which reminds me. . . I'd better get crackin on #11!
So I hope I can keep posting about some real crafty projects but I wouldn't count on it! ADSR is still going on - which reminds me. . . I'd better get crackin on #11!